


4.求教英语高手 中英文摘要翻译 不胜感激,在线等~


Beijing time 20 03:31, New York March crude oil futuresprices hit $100, this is after the January 3rd oil prices hit$100.09, second international oil prices once rushed high of $100. The NYSE data show, the March contract pricehighs of $100.10, higher than the price set a record $100.09 last time. The March contract eventually closed at $100.01, which is the crude oil futures prices closed above $100 for the first time.










油价52美元在4月2日(新华)股票飙升使美元软弱,汹涌奔腾上向上飞升--原油回来在52美国美元,一星期四桶右手击球员的左后方场地经过一在股票市场和一减弱的美元中强劲的上升支持的之上跳. 亮,甜美未加工对于五月投递获得4.25美元或者几乎百分之9在54.64美元把一只桶传给商人的交流.油价一直在紧密随着股本的波动到来.当美国财政会计标准板放松记号-向-市场规定和G20领袖在伦敦同意增强全球性经济复苏时,星期四随着所有的主修课召集华尔街把上升的百分之以上百分之2编入索引. 投资者基本上对负的报告失业数据和天然气盘货应付一个创纪录的高点无所谓.美国劳动部门说在超过26年中失业水平是最高和美国能源Department的能源信息管理报告天然气inventories支持住在朝派地面下层存储在朝派较低48州are32.1百分之一高与相比一年前和百分之22.4在上方的五-年平均为. 在伦敦,布伦特未加工的对于五月投递上升4.31美元,在52.75美元把一只桶传给冰未来中交换.


Part Three


Cars account for half the oil consumed in the U.S.,about half the urban pollution and one fourth the greenhouse gases.


They take a similar toll of resources in other industrial nations and in the cities of the developing world.


As vehicle use continues to increase in the coming decade,the U.S. and other countries will he to deal with these issues or else face unacceptable economic,health-relaed and political costs.


It is unlikely that oil prices will remain at their current low level or that other nations will accept a large and growing U.S. contribution to global calumniation to global change.


Policymakers and industry he four options:


reduce vehicle use,increase the efficiency and reduce the emissions of conventional gasoline-powered vehicles,switch to less harmful fuels,or find less polluting driving systems.


The last of these-in particular the introduction of vehicles powered by electricity—is ultimately the only sstainable option.


The others alternatives are attractive in theory but in practice are either impractial or offer only marginal improvements.


For example,reduced vehicle use could solve traffic problems and a host of social and encironmental problems,but evidence from around the world suggests that it is very difficult to make people give up their cars to any significant extent.


In the U.S.,mass-transit and carpooling he declined since World War II. Ecen in westrn Europe,with fuel prices eraging more than $1 a liter (about $4 a gallon) and with easily accessible mass transit and dense populations,cars still account for 80 percent of all pass enger trel.

在美国,大规模运输和合伙用车自二次世界大战以后有所下降.即使在西欧,随着燃油价格达到平均元以上1升(约400加仑)和方便的大规模运输和高密度的人口,汽车仍占所有通过运输旅行的80 % 。

Improved energy efficiency is also ealing,but automotive fuel economy has barely made any progress in 10 years. Alternative fuels fuels such as natural gas,burned in internal-combustion engines,could be introduced at relatively low cost,but they would lead to only marginal reductions in pollution and greenhouse emissions(especially because oil companies are already spending billions of dollars of dollars every year to develop less polluting types of gasoline).

提高能源效率亦是十分诱人,但汽车的燃油经济性在10年里几乎没有取得任何进展。替代燃料如天然气,在内部内燃机燃烧,可以引入相对较低的价格,但他们只能带来污染和温室气体排放量的有限的减少(尤其是因为石油公司已每年花费数十亿美元来发展污染较少型的汽油) 。


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New York's vaunted restaurant scene is in for some lean times, according to the newest Zagat survey released on Tuesday, with price hikes coming at a time when diners say they are eating out less often and spending less in the face of dire economic conditions.

"Restaurants are clearly feeling the pinch from the economic crisis," said Tim Zagat, founder of the survey now in its 30th year which bases its food, decor and service ratings for some 2,000 restaurants on feedback from restaurant patrons.

But he added that the industry would weather the hard times, just as it did following the 1987 stock market crash and the September 11 attacks.

The pullback was not limited to diners, either, the survey found. Restaurant openings declined for the first time since 2003, down to 119 from last year's 163, and 187 just three years ago.

Nearly 40 percent of the survey's 38,000-plus respondents said they were coping with the shaky economy by eating out less often, and by patronizing less expensive restaurants.

All this in a year in which Zagat found prices up 3.3 percent, or far more than the one percent annual hike that prevailed over the past six years. High-end diners were hit even harder, with a nearly 10 percent tab increase.

The erage tab in New York was $40.78, still less than the steepest US total of $44.44 in Las Vegas, and far behind other world capitals such as Paris, Tokyo, and even Toronto.

The bracing findings were one explanation for a spate of new burger, pizza and barbecue places that popped up this year, the survey noted. Even celebrity chefs such as Alain Ducasse and Jean-Georges Vongerichten opened bistros or noodle shops.

Any good news mostly centered around establishments that topped the ratings. Per Se nabbed the top spot for the first time for both food and service, with diners citing an "unforgettable, transcendental gastronomic marathon" -- with an erage $303 tab to match.

The ratings cellar was once again reserved for theme restaurants like American Girl Place or Hard Rock Cafe, but celebrity hangout Elaine's scraped bottom with even lower marks for service and décor.









好消息大都关于那些在评级中名列前茅的餐馆。Per Se首次摘得菜品和服务“双科冠军”,食客们对它的评价是“令人难忘、无与伦比的美食享受”,这家餐厅的平均消费为303美元。

主题餐厅“美国女孩”和“滚石咖啡”再次垫底,但名人Elanie’s 的服务和装修这两项指标得分更低,排在最后一名。


Billions of pounds he been wiped off the value of shares after recession fears sparked panic selling across the world. The experts say there is more pain to come - and everyone will eventually feel the impact of the market downturn.

I he shares, should I worry?

If you are still holding stocks and shares in individual companies you're either a hardy soul or he been burying your head in the sand as the markets he been jittery since the start of the year. "This is fairly late in the day - nervous investors will he already moved into cash or safer investments," says Martin Bamford, an independent financial adviser at Informed Choices.


If you do hold money in the market you need to decide if it is time to crystallise your losses, or if you he the stomach to sit tight and hope for a recovery. Parents who he invested their child trust fund (CTF) voucher in the stockmarket should not be too alarmed - there are years to go before the money can be withdrawn, or in the case of a stakeholder CTF is moved to safer investments, in which time the market could recover.

I moved my money - will I be OK?

It depends where and when you moved it. Money market funds, which had traditionally been seen as a safe hen for investors, he been falling too, while commodities prices he also been dropping. Property funds are doing badly and even cash accounts, which used to be regarded as the safest of safe places to put your money, he had a bad week with the collapse of Icese. Fixed-interest securities, which traditionally do well when stock markets fall, he failed to ignite this time round, but Bamford reckons they will bounce soon. But he adds: "There is risk in every type of asset class in a recession."

My pension is invested in the stock market. Should I be worried?

Most people start moving money into safer investments as they near retirement, so those with pensions invested in stocks and shares should still he time on their side. However, Bamford says there will be some people roaching retirement who are still exposed to the markets. "There will be people who he been completely caught out by this," he says. "They might he to reconsider their plans for retirement - the timing and their lifestyle may he to be different."

Earlier this week, Hargrees Lansdown said the value of personal pensions had fallen by a fifth since last year. The latest we of falls will he wiped even more off their value. However, the firm's head of pensions research, Tom McPhail, says if you he more than 10 years until retirement the best strategy "is just to ignore what is going on at the moment". He explains: "This will all he probably played out by the time you get to retirement, so you should keep paying your regular contributions to your pension."

I he an occupational pension - will I be hit?

You could be. If it is a defined contribution scheme, where the amount you receive when you retire depends on the performance of the assets in which it is invested, then you are in the same boat as anyone with a personal pension. If you are about to retire the company operating your work pension should he been moving your share of the money into safer assets, so you won't be hit too hard. If you he years to go before you finish work, then there is time for losses to be recovered.

If you he a final salary scheme, where the amount you get is linked to your earnings, then you will be insulated from the falls in the short term, says McPhail. "In the medium term it will he an impact, though. One result that we will see is final salary schemes closing at a faster rate than at the moment."

Ros Altmann, an independent pensions analyst, says most employers are likely to give up on final salary schemes: "Most of them were in deficit before the market falls, and almost all will be now." More worrying, she says, is that if your company fails and you end up hing to claim your pension through the Pension Protection Fund, you will only get 90% of what you had sed.

My pension has plummeted and now I he to buy an annuity

Unless you he reached 75, at which point the rules say you he to use your fund to buy an annuity to provide you with an income, you might want to sit tight in case the market recovers. The sum of money you he with which to buy the annuity will determine how much you he to live on for the rest of your life, so you might want to wait to see if your fund recovers some of its value and you can buy a better income. The is considering suspending the rules so that those who he reached 75 can also wait.

However, McPhail warns: "The risk of not cashing in your investment is that there is no certainty that the market will recover soon." And while you wait for it to bounce back, annuity rates could fall. "If you are keeping your money in the market waiting for a recovery, then keep your eye on annuity rates too," he says.

If you are concerned, it would be wise to take advice.

I don't he shares or a pension - will I be OK?

"It's easy to see it as just problems in the financial markets, but this is going to he a knock-on effect on everybody," says Bamford. "The only questions are to what extent and how long it will take to feel the impact."

As the FTSE falls value is knocked off the UK's biggest companies, leing them with less money to invest. Instead of expanding their businesses they could start reducing staff numbers, leading to redundancies.

Those companies do not exist in a vacuum - they do business with other firms who will also be hit if they start to rein in their spending. Workers everywhere could eventually feel the impact of the downturn.

Is there any good news?

A little. The price of oil has slumped in recent weeks, which should mean cheaper petrol and could ultimately push down gas prices. Interest rates he been cut by 0.5% this week and further cuts are likely as the Bank tries to prop up the UK economy, which is good news for the third of borrowers on tracker mortgages. And while base rate cuts are usually bad news for sers, the fact that banks and building societies are seeking cash means they are still offering attractive interest rates on deposits.



如果您手中仍有个别公司的股票,不是心理承受力特强的话,那就是从年初市场动荡的时候开始就一门心思死扛了。马丁.班福特(Martin Bamford),Informed Choices公司的独立财经投资顾问说:“现在已经太晚了,稳健的投资者转成了现金或更安全的投资领域”。





大多数人在临近退休时把他们的投资转成了比较安全的投资方式,所以,这些把退休金投入证券和股票的人此刻仍有时间。然而,, Bamford说,部分临近退休者仍有暴露于市场危机中的风险。“有些人将完全意识到这一点,他们必须重新审议自己的退休--不论是在退休时间还是退休后的生活方式上都将被迫变得不同。”

本周早些时候,Hargrees Lansdown 曾说,个人退休金的价值自去年开始已缩水了五分之一。最近几天的下跌浪潮使得缩水数值变得更大。退休金研究公司的主管汤姆.麦克菲尔(Tom McPhail)说,如果离退休尚有10年以上,那么此刻的最佳策略就是“充耳不闻”。他解释说:“等到退休金开始发放时,很可能这一切都已经过去了,所以您应该保持退休金的缴纳。”


有可能。如果这是一份界定养老金(defined contribution scheme),在这种养老金中,您的收益和基金的资产投资收益表现挂钩,就是说,您和任何同样持有个人养老金的人坐在一条船上。

麦克菲尔说,最终薪金方案( final salary scheme)中,您的收益和与收入挂钩,如果您有这项方案,就可以避免短期的下挫。“虽然在中期上仍然会有冲击。最终我们可以看到的一个结果是,在这段时间,薪金方案关闭速度要得快得多。”

罗斯.奥特曼(Ros Altmann),独立退休金分析师。他说,多数的雇员倾向于放弃最终薪金方案:“他们中的多数人在市场下挫之前就已经出现了赤字,现在几乎全部出现了赤字。”更令人担忧的事情是,如果您的公司已倒闭,并最终不得不从养老金保障基金(Pension Protection Fund)取出退休金的话,您能得到的只是所存全部金额的90%。











2008 and the year international oil price go through climax and low tide most in the past five years. The achievement of China Petrochemical Industry is that the climax hens frequently very dangerously too in this violent fluctuation. Among them has exposed a lot of Chinese petrochemical industry enterprises in the face of the unripe fact while fluctuating at the international oil price. It has special conduction mechanisms that the oil price influences national economy. Generally speaking, oil price shock we can produce and strike to one petrochemical industry trade of country at first, later conducted it to other trades. And the petrochemical industry is the basic industry of our country, permeate the surface widely and involving the range great characteristic. So the intensity that the petrochemical industry is assaulted has just determined the intensity that national economy is struck. China Petrochemical Industry visits the integrated energy chemical company from head to foot, has important strategic position in our national economy. Just because China's petrochemical industry has special status, while studying and analyzing problems such as the impact on economy of our country of the oil price,etc., it seems very essential to study the impact on China's petrochemical industry of the oil price. This text uses the principles and methods of economics, statistics, analyze etc. that measures the economic model through time series analysis, relevance, regard oil price as the basic variable, has compared and analysed the business performance of China's petrochemical industry between three years of 2008 and 2006. Explore the influence degree to China's petrochemical industry business performance of the oil price. Do you discuss how to oid the oil Negative effect which the price change brings to China's petrochemical industry. Raise the dynamic role that enterprises face the change of the oil price. Keyword: Oil price, China's petrochemical industry, business performance, the time array predicts the law